Research & Publications
As a researcher, my primary focus is on studying the activation of social interactions within online environments while bridging the gap between scientific rigor and practical relevance. I aim to explore the underlying mechanisms facilitating social interactions and their potential for enhancing user experiences and achieving desirable outcomes in various domains. My multidisciplinary approach and methodologies aim to contribute to developing effective strategies that facilitate the activation of social interactions in online environments.
Research Stream 1
Online consumer reviews and deceptive communication
This research stream involves studying online reviews, their motives, effects, and management. This research also looks at how companies handle negative and deceptive online reviews, and more recently, the role of influencers and opinion leaders in combating fake news.
- Creators, multipliers, and lurkers: Who contributes and who benefits at online review sites (Journal of Service Management, 2014, with Werner Kunz)
- Attention aux faux avis! Investigations expérimentales sur les indicateurs contextuels facilitant la détection des avis trompeurs par les internautes (Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2015)
- Delight the experts, but never dissatisfy your customers! A multi-category study on the effects of online review source on intention to buy a new product (Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2016, with Daria Plotkina)
- Assisting consumers in detecting fake reviews: the role of identity information disclosure and consensus (Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2016)
- Finding meaning in contradiction on employee review sites: Effects of discrepant online reviews on job application intentions (Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2018)
- Illusions of truth – Experimental insights into human and algorithmic detections of fake online reviews (Journal of Business Research, 2020, with Daria Plotkina & Jessie Pallud)
Research Stream 2
Social Networking, Social Capital, and Well-Being
The second stream concentrates on social interactions within social media, especially social networking sites (SNS). I explore the benefits of SNS for users and their implications for social commerce. Social capital and its impact on users’ well-being are also examined, with subjective well-being identified as both an outcome and driver of social interactions within SNS.
- The social side of sustainability: Well-being as a driver and an outcome of social relationships and interactions on social networking sites (Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2018, with Lars Meyer-Waarden & Jean-Philippe Galan)
- Getting by or getting ahead on social networking sites? The role of social capital in happiness and well-being (International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2018, with Jean-Philippe Galan & Lars Meyer-Waarden)
Research Stream 3
Artificial Intelligence, Data, and Personalization in Marketing
The third research stream builds upon the previous two and explores various perspectives on activating social interactions. This includes investigating the effects of big data and analytics usage on firm performance, particularly in the context of marketing. Privacy concerns related to marketing personalization and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in activating social interactions are also explored.
- Big data and firm performance: The roles of market-directed capabilities and business strategy (Information & Management, 2020, with Samppa Suoniemi, Lars Meyer-Waarden, Alex R. Zablah, & Detmar Straub)
- The personalization–privacy paradox at the nexus of social exchange and construal level theories (Psychology & Marketing, 2022, with Julien Cloarec & Lars Meyer-Waarden)
- Rage against the machine: Experimental insights into customers’ negative emotional responses, attributions of responsibility, and coping strategies in artificial intelligence–based service failures (Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2022, with Giulia Pavone and Lars Meyer-Waarden)